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Mask test window

Allows previewing result of applying formatting masks to the file name or folders hierarchy. Window can be opened by selecting "Test" from the pop-up menu (button ) of a selected mask.

Mask test window

Window contains the following elements:

  1. Formatting mask.
    This field contains the current formatting mask and allows its editing. Pop up list keeps masks entered before in a chronological order for the mask that was selected in the destination parameters window to be tested. Button allows entering formatting masks those may be selected from the pop up menu.
  2. Test folder/file name
    This field contains the name to be used with <n>, <nn> è <NN> masks for the test. (It is used only in this window and will not be saved after closing it.) Depending on which mask is tested this field may contain source folder, archive name etc. This name can be easily changed for previewing results with different parameters.
  3. Test folder/file extension.
    This field contains the extension to be used with <e>, <ee> è <EE> masks for the test. (It is used only in this window and will not be saved after closing it.) Depending on which mask is tested this field may contain source folder, archive extension etc. This extension can be easily changed for previewing results with different parameters.
  4. Result.
    This field may be displayed in two ways depending on the mask applied.
    • File name formatting mask result
      Name mask file result
      The field shows file name that will be created using a test formatting mask (1), test name (2) and extension (3) of the source folder.
    • Hierarchy formatting mask result.
      Name mask folder result
      The field shows folder tree that will be created using a test formatting mask (1), test name (2) and extension (3) of the source folder or archive file. Destination folder or archive file is the root for creating folders hierarchy.

    If a formatting mask contains an error, you'll see it in the result window with showing of symbol's number of it.

  5. Refresh results button.
    This button refreshes results field using the current formatting mask (1). As the button is active by default you may you Enter key for result refreshing.
  6. Confirmation and cancel buttons.
    By closing the window with OK button you automatically save the mask in the proper field of action destination parameters (depending on what mask was tested). Otherwise, the window will be closed without saving changes.

Jun 14, 2006

New version 1.0.18 is released.


Sep 20, 2005

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