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Log panel

Shows all events occurred in a day.

Log panel

Window contains the following elements:

  1. Line separator
    You can change log panel size by moving it with the help of left mouse button. Panel will be minimized automatically when the panel size is minimum. The previous maximum size is memorized by the program. To maximize panel you must click on it.
  2. Log panel caption.
    Contains date and number of events occurred on that day. Use left mouse click on the panel caption or Alt + Underlined symbol in the caption to maximize/minimize panel. To change panel size move dotted line in right of the panel. Panel will be minimized automatically when the panel size is minimum.
  3. Events table caption.
    Events table contain the following columns:
    • Event type icon:
      Event normal Information event
      Event Warning Warning event
      Event Error Error event
    • Event time
    • Task name generated by the event. It is blank when an event is not concerned with tasks.
    • Event number and action name where an event was occurred. It is blank when an event was generated not in an action.
    • Event text
  4. Event list.
    Shows events occurred during a day. If a present day is indicated generated events are added to the end of the list and cursor is moved to the last action.
  5. Calendar panel caption
    Use left mouse click on the panel caption or Alt + Underlined symbol in the caption to maximize/minimize panel. To change panel size move dotted line in right of the panel. Panel will be minimized automatically when the panel size is minimum. You can use hotkey only when log panel is not minimized.
  6. Date day .
    Day is automatically corrected when you enter current month and year.
  7. Date month
    Allows to select month from combobox.
  8. Date year
    Allows to enter years from 1900 to 9999.
  9. Days of the week caption.
    Shows brief headers for the days of the week.
  10. Calendar table
    Allows to set the date by clicking on the day. Present day is selected by the frame. Days selected with gray are belong to another months. By clicking on these days you change month automatically. Days selected with bold font contain events, other days are not contain events.

Jun 14, 2006

New version 1.0.18 is released.


Sep 20, 2005

Site online.
